Thursday 15 November 2012

Geography displays across the school- autumn 2012

Reception's Geography display
Reception have their very own travel centre as their role play area this term. The topic being 'On the move' encourages children to find out about countries around the world. They will also start to think about how they would travel to some of these places as the topic progresses. 

Year 5's Geography Display
Year 5 have been learning about the world around them. This has ranged from finding out about our planet Earth and it's surroundings (linking with science), to designing their own dream garden using ICT.

Year 6's Geography display
Year 6 have been finding out about storms and shipwrecks around the world. They have linked this topic to Art, d&t and science. The chidren have also examined the timeline of events that led to the sinking of the Titanic in History.

Monday 29 June 2009

International Arts Week
During International Arts Week each class found out about a different country.
We shared our knowledge during a celebration carnival at the end of the week and created displays of all our art work so that everyone could see it. Parents enjoyed coming in at the end of the day to our international art gallery!

Tuesday 22 April 2008

Whole School Fieldwork

This afternoon is our whole school Spring walk through Bryanston Woods, we will be carrying out lots of Geography and Science, for example Warhol Base (Year 6) will be mapping the signs of Spring which they see along the way. Da Vinci Base (Year 4) will be using co-ordinates to follow a map of the route. Hopefully the next blog will include pictures of this Geography in action.

Weather is a big focus in KS 2 this term, use the links to find out more about the weather.

Monday 10 March 2008

Enjoyable Georgraphy

Coordinator release time

It has been really interesting to chat to some year 3 and year 5 children about Geography. They have enjoyed finding out about our local area and carrying out map work, especially when linked to orienteering.

The year 3 children are looking forward to finding out more about other countries and comparing these to our country. The year 5s enjoy carrying out Internet research to discover more about places, also like it when art and drama link with their Geography so that they can get 'moving'.

Teachers- Please note Mr Lavis is right! There are loads of great resources on the Teachers TV website, including a weather around the world video which will be great for our learning next term. (See the link) As the children said they particularly enjoy watching film clips this would be an ideal way to introduce this topic. If there are other film resources which you would like, please let me know so that I may order these.

Keep up the fabulous Geography,

Mrs Dike

Friday 25 January 2008

Co-ordinator feedback

History/ Geography Coordinator release time
Tuesday 22nd January
Dear Staff,
Time was spent looking at the assessments on Blasmer which do need updating for some classes. The completed assessments show lots of good and even excellent progress being made within many areas of both history and geography, after just one term! :-) Children who are not making as much progress can be readily identified.
Planning is in the appropriate places on Blasmer and gives a clear picture as to the Humanities learning across the school, mainly History this term (Geography was the main focus for most classes last term).
Somerset Skills are identified on planning, with some classes highlighting those to be given a greater focus. Continuity and differentiation is evident when looking at plans from one class to the next, including those working on the same topic. Challenge and differentiation is shown on some block plans but could be shown more clearly on others, including mine! Afl techniques are also clear on much of the planning.
I have started to update the Humanities blogs and put links on if anyone has other links which they would like to add please let me know. Also I would love to have more pictures so if you have any wonderful humanities work or displays which I could photograph please show me also copies of the field work pictures from last term would be great for the Geography site, please e-mail me some or let me know where they are saved.


Tuesday 22 January 2008

First Post!