Monday 10 March 2008

Enjoyable Georgraphy

Coordinator release time

It has been really interesting to chat to some year 3 and year 5 children about Geography. They have enjoyed finding out about our local area and carrying out map work, especially when linked to orienteering.

The year 3 children are looking forward to finding out more about other countries and comparing these to our country. The year 5s enjoy carrying out Internet research to discover more about places, also like it when art and drama link with their Geography so that they can get 'moving'.

Teachers- Please note Mr Lavis is right! There are loads of great resources on the Teachers TV website, including a weather around the world video which will be great for our learning next term. (See the link) As the children said they particularly enjoy watching film clips this would be an ideal way to introduce this topic. If there are other film resources which you would like, please let me know so that I may order these.

Keep up the fabulous Geography,

Mrs Dike